How to Decide If you Should Repair or Replace Your Furnace

When the leaves start to change color and the temperatures drop, most central Illinois homeowners start to think about their home heating systems. Fall is an excellent time to assess the condition of your furnace and decide if it’s time to repair or replace it. But how can you tell which choice is the right one for your situation? At Kelso Heating and Cooling, we’re committed to helping you make this critical decision. Here are some factors you should consider.

Age of Your Furnace

On average, a well-maintained furnace can last between 15 and 20 years. If your furnace is within this range or older, it might be time to consider a replacement. More modern units are likely to be more efficient, which could result in significant savings on your energy bills in the long run.

Energy Bill

Have you noticed a rise in your energy bills even though your usage hasn’t changed dramatically? This could indicate that your furnace is not working as efficiently as it should, causing it to use more energy to produce the same amount of heat.

Frequency of Repairs

If your furnace has required frequent repairs in the past two years, this could be a sign that it’s nearing the end of its lifecycle. Consider the cost of these repairs, too. A good rule of thumb is if the repair cost is 50% of the price of a new furnace, it’s usually more cost-effective to replace it.

Consistency of Temperature

Are some rooms in your home too hot while others are too cold? Does your furnace have trouble maintaining the temperature set on your thermostat? These could be signs of a problem with your furnace that might necessitate repair or replacement.

Furnace Noise

A furnace that’s making strange noises – such as banging, popping, rattling, or squealing – could indicate a mechanical problem that needs repair. However, if the unit continues to be noisy even after repairs, it might be time for a replacement.

Carbon Monoxide Presence

Older furnaces can crack and leak carbon monoxide, a deadly, odorless gas. Signs of a potential leak include streaks of soot around the furnace, absence of an upward draft in your chimney, excess moisture on windows and other cold surfaces, or rusting on flue pipes and other pipe connections. If you suspect a leak, turn off your furnace immediately and call a professional to inspect it. Depending on the severity of the situation, you might need a new furnace.

At Kelso Heating and Cooling, we understand that deciding whether to repair or replace your furnace is a significant decision that affects your home’s comfort and your budget. Our team of skilled professionals is here to help you every step of the way. We can assess your furnace’s condition, provide expert advice, and, if necessary, assist you in selecting and installing a new, energy-efficient model that suits your needs and budget.

Don’t wait until the deep chill of winter to address your furnace concerns. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and ensure a warm, comfortable home for the colder months ahead.